Saturday, May 19, 2012

Worst Flatmates Ever

This post had it coming. Yes, I am going to write about my terrible Spanish flatmates! One of my very first posts was about how the two of them are terribly loud and always slam their doors, but it has gotten way worse since then. 
As a precursor, read this post that my wonderful American flatmate wrote!

As some of you may know, Rose and I don't use the kitchen all that often. I'm a terrible cook to begin with so I usually make sandwiches, pasta in the microwave or cereal and yogurt. Easy stuff to make. Rose is the same way. We have
never used the stove or oven, only take up two shelves and a door shelf in the refrigerator and we store all of our food in our room.
This story stemmed from when I wanted to make brownies in the oven on Monday night. My mom had Ryan bring me four brownie packets and oven-save containers and I was absolutely craving brownies! (Although I have to admit, I was sad that I couldn't just make them in the microwave...) When I opened the oven, this is what I found.

Disgusting, right?! I don't want to make brownies in their mess! So I knock on one of their doors, ask her to come to the kitchen, and I explain why she should clean the oven. It's their mess. Anyway she agrees and says she'll clean it within the next day or two. That was MONDAY. It has now been a week and it's still not clean.
Tangent: Speaking of messes, while Rose was cleaning the microwave she found this underneath.

And this in the refrigerator.

Like I said, Rose and I only use the top two shelves in there and one drawer shelf. But you're with me when I say that this is disgusting, right?!
Rose put signs up in the kitchen asking them to clean these areas. They are clearly not our messes and we just want to live in a clean space! When they were in the kitchen, I went out and asked the girl if she would clean the oven today. 
It's been a week since I asked you and it still isn't clean, I said. 
She rolled her eyes and shrugged, saying Maybe today...maybe tomorrow.
I'm sorry, are you 15?! Rolling your eyes is so immature and aggravating! (I should know... sorry, Mom) I asked her again, Will you please clean the oven? It is disgusting and I just want to use it to make brownies.
She smirked and said, again, Maybe. If we have time today.
Are you kidding me?! How old are you?? I ask you to do one thing that is way over due and you act like you're still in high school!
I told her, Alright if you don't clean it I will e-mail Annand (our landlord) and you'll be stuck with a fine.
She shrugged and said Ok.
Which is fine by me. I hope they get fined because of their messes. Rose and I don't use the kitchen because it is so terribly gross and messy. There are always oil spots on the counters, sauce splattered across the cabinets and long, black hair clumps on the floor.
This one episode is one of many, and every time Rose and I keep getting more and more annoyed with them. We have had multiple problems with their cleanliness and loudness and we caught them multiple times smoking in the apartment. I've had to put my towel wedged beneath my door to keep the smoke from coming in my room, because smoke travels. They are by far the worst flatmates I have ever had.
I have had it with them. But, karma will do it's job and they will get what's coming to them.

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