Days 1 - 15

Day 1 -- February 1, 2012
I took this picture a few hours after I moved in.
This is my room in Shanowen Hall! It is small but cozy. I brought sheets with snowflakes on them so I could be reminded of the snow in Wisconsin ha ha.

Day 2 -- February 2, 2012
Look at all these euros! Europe (except for the UK) has coins for two euro and one euro.
One euro is about $1.30, so $1 is about .70 euro.

Day 3 -- February 3, 2012
Jeannot is the first friend Rose and I met! Here we are on a bus tour of Dublin.

Day 4 -- February 4, 2012
Have you ever seen anything like this before? Nope? Neither have I.
This is the dial to the heating unit in my room. When it wasn't working the first few days after I moved in, I thought it was broken...but my landlord told me I have to move the teeth on the dial to set it. Silly me.
So for the first few days here I almost froze to death because of how dumb I was.

Day 5 -- February 5, 2012
Rose and I went to Trinity College today.
Trinity College was founded in 1592 and is Ireland's oldest university. There are old, brick buildings and cobblestone pathways all over campus.

Day 6 -- February 6, 2012
This is my student ID! We got them a few days ago.
Today was the first day of classes for DCU students.
I'm taking four classes: Global Communication, Cross-Cultural Communication, Belief & Communication, and Ireland & National Cinema.

Day 7 -- February 7, 2012
Look what rascal snuck in my closet! Jerry!
(This is an inside joke between me and my little sister in Delta Zeta and it would take completely too long to explain, so just admire my scarf collection

Day 8 -- February 8, 2012
Clearly I'm running out of things to take pictures of.
I went grocery shopping today! Most of the time I spent taking pictures rather than actually shopping.
On a side note, Fruice apple juice is amazing.

Day 9 -- February 9, 2012
We went wandering around Dublin today and guess what I found! Beautiful doors!

Day 10 -- February 10, 2012
Although Ireland is known for how much it rains, Dublin gets the least amount of rain throughout the country.
Also, we found out that Irish people call rainboots "wellies", taken from Wellington Boots.

Day 11 -- February 11, 2012
This is the garden behind Dublin Castle. There are thin brick lines throughout the greens which created a labyrinth. It was very beautiful and peaceful.

Day 12 -- February 12, 2012
Can you guess where I'm standing?
In a prison cell!
This was taken in Kilmainham Gaol, one of Ireland's most famous prisons.

Day 13 -- February 13, 2012
The reason the windows get smaller as the building gets taller was to create the illusion of a tall building. Buildings like this one could have been built in the 19th century.

Day 14 -- February 14, 2012
This is the window in my room! It opens right up -- there isn't a screen.
I love that I get huge wafts of Irish air, but the only negative thing about this is that my backyard opens up to a garbage yard! Ick!

Day 15 -- February 15, 2012
What do you see?