Saturday, February 18, 2012

Join Me on an Adventure!

We're going to go on an adventure today... to my campus!
But first, let's have breakfast.

Let's leave our apartment and walk down Shanowen Hall.

Open the gate.

Turn left and admire some graffiti.

Look, there's a Spar!

Keep walking.

Cross the street up here.

Then you turn right and see this beautiful building. It's a parking structure!

This is where I enter campus. The Business Building is on the left, the lecture Theatre is the round brick building and to the right is The Helix.


  1. I love adventures! Hope the Helix is as cool on the inside as it looks from the outside.
    I asked my detective friend, and he told me it was YOU who graffiti'd that wall! D:

  2. I love reading these - keep it up along with your humorous way of seeing life :)
