Wednesday, February 15, 2012

5 Things I Dislike About My Room

Now that Valentine's Day is over, I am allowed to dislike some things in my room.

1. This is the view from my window. It is a dumpyard. It smells like a dumpyard. It even has creepy dumpyard workers.

2. The only outlets in my room are in the most inconvenient place: under my desk. When I straighten my hair a few times a week, I have to be clever and make my laptop screen black so it's like a mirror.

3. There is just enough cord for it to reach my bed, where I spend most of my time on the computer and doing homework and such, but it's not long enough, so it hangs down from my bed to my desk like a jump rope. If I had a euro for every time I tripped over the cord, I would be a rich girl.

4. The doors in Shanowen Hall are heavy and they don't stay open like doors back in Wisconsin. They're designed to shut. Rose made us door stops, but there is a huge gap between my bathroom floor and bathroom door, so I have to use my wastebasket to keep the door open. I told you my apartment was ghetto.

5. Look at how tiny my shower is! Eek! I always bang my elbows and knees against the plastic movable walls and it echos, so I wonder if my housemates think I'm having a seizure every time I shower.

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